I am a software engineer with a passion for building easy-to-use web apps. I love building software, and seeing a vision for a product or application come to life. My area of focus tends to be the UI/frontend, creating the applications that users see. The main technologies I enjoy working with are TypeScript, using Vue or React to build user interfaces. I graduated Rochester Institute of Technology in May 2021 with a bachelor's degree in computer science. I am always open to new opportunities and advancing my career.
Important Links
Email: cory@corydio.com
Github: github.com/coryo12345
Resume: Opens in new tab
Projects to check out on GitHub
- Car API (check it out here!) - A public API that returns information about various vehicle makes & models. API is written in Go, and UI was created with Astro & React. The site linked has more information about the technologies used, as well as examples of the API usage.
- Kanban Board - A desktop app built using Wails (a framework for building desktop apps with web technologies and Go). It allows for customizable columns, with custom drag and drop functionality I made.
- Discord Time Analytics - An application that recorded time users spent in voice channels on Discord servers. Data was stored in a SQLite DB and displayed in a UI built with Astro and Vue. Data was displayed in line charts to show change in data over time.
- DiscGolfShuffle Mobile App - A mobile app for IOS and Android written in React Native. Designed for casual play in groups, to mix up a normal round with some fun twists.
Things you can check out live!
- Magic Canvas - (GitHub repo) - A pixel-art canvas that is shared between all users. Open the app in multiple tabs or browsers and all your changes will sync across via websockets.
- Conway's Game of Life - Conway's game of life built with React as an exercise in state management. Click on tiles to toggle their state, then unpause/pause the simulation to see what happens.
- Trivia - A simple & quick app with trivia questions that are generated & rendered on the server.
- Random Data Generator - A simple app that produces sets of configurable fake data. Data is displayed in a table, and can be exported to CSV. This was built with Vue.js, as a way to give me easy fake datasets when expirimenting with databases.
- Rock Paper Scissors - The classic game of rock paper scissors. The app will make a random choice to go against you. This was made with Vue.js, with a focus on pleasing animations instead of just stock UI components.